Delete the disclaimer from an email
If your email account uses a BlackBerry Enterprise Server that supports this feature, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server might add
a disclaimer to your email after you send it.
When you are composing an email, press the key > Remove Disclaimer.
To add the disclaimer again, press the key > Add Disclaimer.
Delete the original text from a reply message
When you are replying to a message, press the key > Delete Original Text.
Set the importance level for an email or a PIN message that you send
If you change the importance level of an email or a PIN message, a high priority indicator or low priority indicator appears
beside that message on your BlackBerry smartphone. If the recipient's messaging application supports importance levels for
messages, the importance level will also be indicated to the recipient.
1. When you are composing an email or a PIN message, press the key > Options.
2. Change the Importance field.
3. Press the key > Save.
Stop a message from sending
You can stop a message from sending only if a clock icon appears beside the message.
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Highlight the message.
3. Press the key > Delete.
Email filters
About email filters
You can create email filters to specify which email is forwarded to your BlackBerry smartphone and which remains in the email
application on your computer.
Email filters are applied to email based on the order in which they appear in your list of email filters. If you create multiple
email filters that could apply to the same email, you must decide which one should be applied first by placing that filter higher
in the list.
Create an email filter
To perform this task, your work email account must use a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature. For more
information, contact your administrator.
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