Tools guide — Program loader 43
Developer’s Guide – RIM 950 Wireless Handheld™
The BATCH command allows mu ltiple commands to be placed in a file
and executed with a single, short command. This command is useful
when repeatedly performing the same load process, and for overcoming
the fixed limit imposed on command lines.
The batch file may contain one or more of the LOAD, ERASE, DIR, or
BATCH commands. The results are committed to t he RIM Wireless
Handheld only if all commands are successfully completed. Each line of
a batch file can be no more than 256 characters long. Single commands
can be broken into multiple commands, if you have long file names.
WIPE command
WIPE [-F | -A]
-F specifies that the file system should be wiped.
-A specifies that the application area should be wiped.
If no option is specified, both the file system and application are wiped.
HELP command
HELP [<command>]
<command> is the name of the command for which you want help, or the
word errors.
The HELP command invokes the built-in help system. With no options a
generic help message is produced. Help for a specific command can be
obtained by specifying it as an option. Help about error messages can be
obtained by specifying the errors command.
If the output is not redirected to a file, the help system uses a built-in
paging system. Press any key at the <MORE> prompts.