User Guide | Messages |
Send a poke
1.On the Notification list screen, press the Menu key.
2.Click Poke Someone.
3.Type part of a friend's name.
4.Click a friend.
5.Click Poke!
Write on a friend's Wall
1.On the Notification list screen, press the Menu key.
2.Click Write on a Wall.
3.Type part of a friend's name.
4.Click a friend.
5.Click Continue.
6.Type a message.
7.Click Post.
Send a message
1.On the Notification list screen, press the Menu key.
2.Click Send a Message.
3.Type part of a friend's name.
4.Click a friend.
5.Click Continue.
6.Type a message.
7.Click Send.
Accept or decline a group invitation
1.Click the group invitation.
2.Click Confirm or Ignore.
Respond to an event invitation
1.Click the event invitation.
2.Click Yes, Maybe, or No.