The internal navigation software re-
mains intact and you can use either
the internal navigation software or
the one on the SD card for the selec-
Is the old internal navigation soft-
ware overwritten with a change of
the navigation software?
No, the system can navigate with
the internal as well as the external
data. If the external data (SD card)
are used for navigation, the SD slot
for the MP3 playback for the Lucca is
unavailable during this time.
Can the internal navigation software
be changed?
Yes. The data can be loaded in the
internal memory. For this purpose,
insert the SD card in the SD card slot
or connect the Lucca via the USB-port
with your PC and initiate the loading
process via menu.
How long does the loading take from
the SD card to the internal memo-
The loading process lasts approx. 15
minutes and is dependent upon the
data size. For this reason, the indi-
vidual countries are delivered as com-
pletely manufactured maps.
The data do not have to be loaded
from the SD card into the internal
Is it possible to play WMA fi les with
DRM protection?
The playback of WMA fi les with Dig-
ital Rights Management protection
(WMA-DRM) is not possible since the
license key is not transferred during
the transfer of the WMA fi le from the
The playback of WMA fi les without
DRM protection is, of course, possi-
Which cards can I use?
Commercial SD or MMC cards.
Which data format is required for an
SD card?
FAT 16/32.
Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 81Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 81 18.10.2006 15:05:34 Uhr18.10.2006 15:05:34 Uhr