Opening and closing – via the remote control
The concept
The remote control makes opening and
locking the doors of your vehicle very
convenient. Furthermore it provides
three additional functions that can only
be executed via the remote control:
>Switch on the interior lamps, refer to
page 32.
With this function, you can also
search for your vehicle — when
parked in an underground garage, for
>Open the liftgate, refer to page 32.
The liftgate will open slightly, regard-
less of whether it was previously
locked or unlocked
>Panic mode, refer to page 32.
In case of danger, you can trigger an
Whenever you unlock or lock the
vehicle, you simultaneously deactivate/
activate the anti-theft system, disarm/
arm the alarm system and switch the
interior lamps on/off.
You can have an acknowledgment
signal set to confirm that the
vehicle is correctly locked.<
Since passengers or animals
remaining in the vehicle might be
able to lock the doors from the inside,
take the vehicle's keys with you so that
the vehicle can be opened again from
the outside at any time.<
If it is no longer possible to lock
the vehicle via the remote control,
the battery is discharged. Use this key
while driving for an extended period in
order to charge the battery. To prevent
unauthorized use of the remote control,
surrender only the door and ignition key
or the spare key when leaving the
vehicle for valet parking, for example,
refer to page 30.
In the event of a system malfunction,
please contact your BMW Sports
Activity Vehicle center. You can also
obtain replacement keys there.<
1 Unlock and convenience opening
2 Lock and secure, switching on inte-
rior lamps, switching off tilt alarm
sensor and interior motion sensor
3 Open the liftgate, panic mode
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