Tire Pressure Monitor RDC*
The concept
RDC monitors the tire pressures at all
four tires, even when the vehicle is
moving. The system provides an alert
whenever the inflation pressure drops
significantly below the specified pres-
sure in one or more tires.
In order for the system to learn the cor-
rect tire inflation pressure, check the
inflation pressures in all tires, refer to
the table on page 27 and make any
necessary corrections. Then activate
the system.
This indicator lamp in the instru-
ment cluster or the Check Con-
trol will inform you if the tire
pressure is different from the learned

To switch the system on

1. Turn the ignition key to position 2, do
not start the engine
2. Maintain pressure on the button until
the yellow indicator lamp in the
instrument cluster comes on for sev-
eral seconds or the message – TIRE
PRESSURE SET – appears in the
Check Control
3. After you have driven for a few min-
utes, the RDC will import the current
inflation pressure in the tires as the
reference values which the system
will monitor.
You will only have to repeat this proce-
dure if the tire inflation pressure must
be corrected. Otherwise, the RDC func-
tions automatically when the ignition
key is in position 2, and thus operates
whenever the vehicle is driven.

Loss of tire pressure

If, after a certain period of time, the
inflation pressure has gone down sig-
nificantly, which is normal for any tire,
the yellow indicator lamp comes on or
the message – CHECK TIRE PRES-
SURE – appears in the Check Control.
This alerts you that you should have the
tires inflated to the specified pressures
as soon as possible.
If you are prompted to check the
tire pressure shortly after a cor-
rection has been made, this indicates
that the corrected values were not
accurate. Please check the inflation
pressure again and make corrections
according to the inflation pressure
table. After that reactivate the system.<
Online Edition for Part No. 01 41 0 157 098 - © 08/02 BMW AG