| Handle Bar | Seat Tensioning | Sun Canopy | |
| & Brake Lever |
| Strap | |
CONGRATULATIONS on getting “BOB’d”! (becoming the |
| ||
| |
new owner of a BOB Product). BOB is a company that |
| Seat Pockets |
produces high quality products, which encourage a healthy, | Seat Back |
| |
| ||
outdoor, |
| 5 Point | |
make |
| |
Seat Recline |
| Safety Harness | |
www.bobtrailers.com for our complete line of products. Before |
| ||
| ||
attempting to assemble or use your new stroller, read and | Adjusters |
| Foot Well |
understand these operating instructions completely to insure |
| |
Clasp |
| |
proper assembly and operation. This manual covers assembly, |
| Brake Cable | |
| ||
use, and maintenance instructions. | Shock |
| Fender & | |
Thanks for getting BOB’d !! | Absorber |
| |
Shock |
| Brake | |
Features: |
| Assembly | |
Release Button |
| |
2 position shock absorbers for light or heavy loads | A.F.O.D. |
padded, individual reclining seat backs |
| |
detachable, washable seat |
| Swing Arm |
2 hand position handle bars | Swing Arm | Pivot |
| |
light weight |
| Fig. 1 | Low Boy |
| |||
large storage compartments | Anatomy of the BOB Duallie | |
quick release wheels | ||
| ||
quick fold, compact design: folds with wheels attached or removed |
WARNINGS | 1 | SWINGARM: Rotate the |
| |
| swingarm, away from the front o |
| ||
Before using this BOB stroller read and understand this manual in its |
| the stroller until the shocks |
| |
entirety for assembly, use, and safety instructions. If you are unclear |
| engage in the first position as |
| |
on any point, contact your dealer or BOB before use. |
| shown in Fig. 2. The shocks’ |
| |
Never leave children unattended in the stroller. |
| locking pins will “snap” and lock |
| |
Failure to properly assemble or install the quick release hubs on |
| into position. |
this stroller may result in the wheels becoming detached while | 2 | HANDLE: Rotate the stroller |
| |
moving and a subsequent loss of control of the stroller. |
| |||
Always use seat harnesses to avoid serious injury to children from |
| handle up to the fully open |
| position #1 | |
sliding or falling out of stroller. |
| position and secure the clasps as |
| ||
| position #2 | |||
Always use wrist safety strap. |
| shown in Fig. 3. To secure the |
| ||
| Fig. 2 | |||
Never allow occupants to stand in stroller. |
| clasps, rotate them towards the |
| ||
The parking brake is not designed as a stopping brake. We do |
| ground until they “snap” into place. Swingarm in unfolded position | |||
not recommend using the brake to stop the stroller when it is | 3 |
| with shock in position #1 | |
moving. The brake is intended to park the stroller on flat surfaces |
| |||
not on inclines. Never leave your children in the stroller unattended |
| To open the sun canopy, hold one |
| |
with or without the parking brake set! |
| support in each hand and rotate them |
| ||
Do not strap parcels or bags to the handle as it affects the balance |
| away from one another until the |
| |
and stability of the stroller and can cause it to tip over backwards. |
| canopy is fully opened. The |
| |
The maximum carrying capacity load of the stroller is 100 pounds. |
| canopy has a |
| Clasp | |
Do not place sharp objects in the seatback pocket as your child |
| adjustment system and will click |
| |
leans against this and can be injured as a result. |
| in place as it reaches each new |
| |
When starting out, always make sure that your kid’s hands and |
| position. |
feet are away from wheel spokes. | 4 | AFOD: With the stroller in the |
| |
The Duallie is not equipped for use after dark. If you intend to |
| |||
use it at night, we recommend installing wheel reflectors and a |
| opened position, attach the |
| |
lighting system available through your local bike shop. |
| AFOD |
| |
We do not recommend wearing roller skates or inline skates while |
| the cross tube with the plastic |
| Fig. 3 | |
pushing stroller. |
| buckle, as shown in Fig.4. It is |
| ||
| important that the AFOD is | Stroller with handle in the unfolded | ||
AGE RECOMMENDATIONS - It is recommended that your |
| always properly secured, as it is | |||
| position and clasps shut. | |||
| part of the child’s seat restraint |
| |||
child be a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks old before riding in the stroller. |
| ||
| system. |
| |
Young babies incapable of holding their head up must be provided |
| |
| |
additional head and neck support to ride safely. For jogging and off | 5 | FENDER |
road use, children should be at least 6 to 8 months old. |
| ||
| |
Children develop at different rates. Consult with your pediatrician |
| |
| Before installing |
| |
regarding the suitability of the stroller use with your child. |
| AFOD | |
| the front wheel in |
| ||
| |
| step 6, you will |
| need to attach the |
| fender. The two |
| |
| attachment screws | Cross Tube |
| |
| can be found |
| already installed | Fig. 4 AFOD correctly attached | ||
Reference Fig. 1 as it describes the various parts of the Duallie. |
| on the frame. | |||
| Remove the two |