| BDT30A Manual |
Horn Loudspeaker |
Speaker Assembly
or similar tools.
Speaker Installation
STEP 1 - For easier installation, remove the flange (base) from the speak- er by unscrewing the wing nut while at the same time pressing inwardly on the wing nut. Place the flange flush with the mounting surface and mark the location of the three holes with either a marker or punch. It is important that the three holes be exactly aligned with the flange, otherwise you might stress the base or make the connection unsteady (see Figure 1).
NOTE: Speaker may also be
STEP 2 - After mounting the flange, reattach the speaker to the flange and aim the speaker for the desired coverage. A 45o downward angle is rec- ommended, but this may vary depending upon speaker layout. Unless oth- erwise indicated, do not aim speakers directly at each other or poor paging intelligibility may occur.
STEP 3 - Remove the plastic cover to make the electrical connection and set the tap set control (see Figure 2). Connect speaker wire shield to the ground (GND) terminal of the amplifier’s output. Carry the ground through all speaker cables by tying the shields of the speaker cables together in a “daisy chain” fashion. Do not connect the shield to the speaker itself. The shield is only connected at the amplifier end and simply floats.
Connect wires as listed below:
Figure 1: Mounting Speaker Base
Figure 2
Amplifier Outputs Speaker Connections
70V/25V | Terminal 1 |
COM | Terminal 2 |
NOTE: The speaker will also work perfectly well with these connections reversed. However, reduced low frequency response may result.
STEP 4 - Adjust the tap set control to the desired setting. See table at right for tap settings. Replace the plastic protective cover back over the exposed area.
Position | Watts (25V) |
1 | .25 |
2 | .5 |
3 | 1 |
4 | 1.8 |
5 | 3.7 |
6 | 7.5 |
7 | 15 |
8 | * |
Watts (70V)
Frequency Response: 225Hz to 14kHz
Shipping Weight: 9 lbs.
Finish: Textured Mocha Enamel
Sound Pressure Level: 121dB @ four feet on axis with
*Forbidden switch settings (see text)
Switch settings marked with an asterisk (*) must not be used. Failure to comply with these restrictions may cause damage to components and will void the warranty.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
© 2000 Bogen Communications Inc. All rights reserved. Part No.
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