FlexiDome2XConfiguration en 35
Item | Selection | Description |
SensUp | Off, 2x, 3x, …, | Selects the factor by which the sensitivity of |
Dynamic | 10x | the camera is increased. It is dynamic and so |
| is only active when light levels are low. |
| When active, some noise or spots may appear |
| in the picture. This is normal camera |
| behavior. It may also cause motion blur on |
| moving objects. |
| Returns to main menu. |
5.5.4Day/Night submenu
Item | Selection | Description |
Day/Night | Auto, Color, | Auto - the camera switches the IR |
| Monochrome | on and off depending on the scene |
| illumination level. |
| Monochrome - the IR |
| giving full IR sensitivity. |
| Color - the camera always produces a color |
| signal regardless of light levels. |
Switch level | Sets the video level in Auto mode at which | |
| the camera switches to monochrome |
| operation. |
| A low (negative) value means that the camera |
| switches to monochrome at a lower light |
| level. A high (positive) value means that the |
| camera switches to monochrome at a higher |
| light level. |
Bosch Security Systems | Installation Manual |