Bosch Appliances VG4-100 Fast Address, Fiber Optic Transmission, Field of View, Focal Length

Models: VG4-100

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26 en Glossary of CCTV Terms

AutoDome Modular Camera System




Fast Address

A system for setting the address of the AutoDome remotely from the control system.

Fiber Optic Transmission

Refers to the transmission of video and/or data via optical fibers. Optical fibers are thin glass strands that are designed for light wave transmission. Video and data are digitized and transformed into a series of light pulses. The use of fiber optics for video and data transmission offers several advantages over sending electrical signals across copper wires. First, light pulses are not affected by random radiation in the environment, and thus their error rate is far lower. Fiber optics span far greater distances without need for repeaters or signal regenerators, and are far more secure as they are more difficult to tap and taps in the line can be detected. Optical fiber also provides enormous bandwidth with a single fiber capable of transmitting trillions of bits per second. There are two primary types of optical fiber; singlemode and multimode. Singlemode fiber is used when large distances must be spanned, typically greater than 2 Km/1.2 miles (see Singlemode). Multimode is typically used to span smaller distances such as the inside of buildings or on small campuses (see Multimode).

Field of View

The measure of the visible area within the camera’s field of view. The larger the focal length, the smaller the field of view. The smaller the focal length, the wider the field of view.

Focal Length

The distance from the optical center of the lens to the image of an object located at an infinite distance from the lens. Long focal lengths give a small field of view (e.g. telephoto effect), while short focal lengths give a wide angle view.


The standard measure of the lens aperture, which is the iris diameter, divided by the focal length of the lens. The lower the maximum aperture (or F-Number), the more light that passes through the lens.


See F-Number.


Gateway Address

A node on a network that serves as an entrance to another network.

Guard Tour

Allows recorded tours with a combined duration of 15 minutes. Recorded tours consist of control commands and can be played back as needed. All camera position information is stored for maximum flexibility (including pan, tilt, zoom, etc.).


Hybrid Streaming

The ability to simultaneously stream IP video across a local or wide area network, and CVBS video via coaxial or fiber optic cabling.

F01U028033 2.0 2007.03

VG4-100 Series User’s Manual

Bosch Security Systems, Inc.

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Bosch Appliances VG4-100 Fast Address, Fiber Optic Transmission, Field of View, Focal Length, Number, Stop, Guard Tour