Braun Corporation FMVSS No. 403 Quick Reference Installation Sheet 33675 Rev. A
Lift Operating Instructions
Lift Operating Instructions
Whenever a passenger is on the platform, the:
•Handrail belt must be latched
•Passenger must be positioned fully inside yellow boundaries
•Wheelchair brakes must be locked
•Inner roll stop and
outer barrier must be up.
Failure to do so may result in serious bodily injury and/or property damage.
Before lift operation, park the vehicle on a level surface, away from vehicular traffic. Place the vehicle transmission in “Park” and engage the parking brake. Open manual doors fully, being certain the doors are secured in the fully open position.
It is the responsibility of the lift operator (attendant) to prop- erly open, secure and close the vehicle lift doors, to activate any auxiliary interlock (if equipped), to load and unload the wheel- chair passenger (or standee) on and off the lift platform, and to properly activate all lift functions.
In event of power or equipment failure, refer to the Manual Oper- ating Instructions section.
Interlocking Restraint Belt: The NUVL604XB is equipped with an occupant restraint belt assembly (mounted to the lift handrails). Once the lift platform has extended fully from the stowed position, the belt must be latched in order to raise or lower the platform. During the Stow function, the belt must be unfastened after the platform raises or lowers to stow level and stops. With the belt unlatched, pressing the STOW switch then retracts the platform fully.
Manually open door(s) fully and secure.
1.Stand clear and press the UP switch until the platform stops (ex- tends fully). Release switch.
2.Fasten handrail belt.
3.Press the UP switch until the plat- form stops (raises to floor level) and inner roll stop unfolds to floor level. Release switch.
1. Read Notes below! Load passen- ger onto platform, lock wheelchair brakes and fasten handrail belt.
Note: Outer barrier must be fully unfolded (ramp position) until the entire wheelchair (or standee) has crossed the outer barrier.
Note: Passenger must be positioned fully inside yellow boundaries.
2. Press UP switch to fold outer bar- rier UP fully (vertical), raise the platform to floor level and unfold inner roll stop to floor level. Re- lease switch.
Hand-held Pendant Control:
When there is power to the lift, the lift function labels illuminate to identify the functions.
Control Switch Functions:
UP: From the stowed position, pressing the UP switch deploys (extends) the platform fully. The restraint belt must then be fastened before the platform will raise. With the belt latched, pressing the UP switch then raises the platform to floor level height.
From ground level, the UP function will first au- tomatically raise (rotate) the outer barrier to the upright (vertical) position. The platform then raises to floor level position. Note: The lift will not raise if the restraint belt is not fastened or the outer barrier is not in the UP position
DOWN: The DOWN function lowers the platform to ground level and then unfolds the outer barrier to the ramp (horizontal) position. Note: The handrail belt must be latched to activate the DOWN function. From the stowed position, the lift will extend fully and stop. The restraint belt must then be fastened before the platform will lower.
STOW: When the STOW switch is pressed, the platform first raises or lowers to stow level, starts
to retract and then stops (restraint belt must be latched). The restraint belt must then be unfas- tened before the platform will stow (retract) fully.
With the belt unlatched, pressing the STOW switch then retracts the platform to the fully stowed posi- tion. Note: The lift will not stow with weight on the platform
DOOR CLOSE: This function is not applicable for
Note: If any of these functions do not occur as described, discontinue lift use immediately and contact your sales representative or call The Braun Corporation at
1.Fasten handrail belt.
2.Read Note below! Load pas- senger onto platform and lock wheelchair brakes.
Note: Passenger must be positioned fully inside yellow boundaries and outer barrier must be UP.
3. Press DOWN switch until the entire platform reaches ground level and the outer barrier unfolds fully (ramp position). Release switch.
4. Unfasten handrail belt, unlock wheelchair brakes and unload pas- senger from platform.
Note: Outer barrier must be fully unfolded (ramp position) until the entire wheelchair (or standee) has crossed the outer barrier.
3. Unlock wheelchair brakes and unload passenger from platform.
1.Fasten handrail belt.
2.Press STOW switch until platform stops at stow level. Release switch.
3.Unfasten handrail belt.
4.Press STOW switch until platform stops (retracts fully). Release switch.
Manually close door(s) fully.