Plne nabitá batéria zabezpečuje až 45 minút holenia bez použitia sieťového kábla v závislosti od dĺžky vašich fúzov. Maximálnu kapacitu batérie však dosiahnete až po niekoľkých cykloch nabitia/vybitia.

Keď sa akumulátorové batérie vybijú, môžete sa oholiť aj zapojením holiaceho strojčeka to elektrickej zásuvky pomocou špeciálneho sieťového kábla.

5-minútové rýchle nabitie postačí na jedno oholenie.

Indikátory nabíjania (5)

Zelené indikátory nabíjania ukazujú stav nabitia batérie. Zelený indikátor bliká, keď sa holiaci strojček nabíja, alebo keď je zapnutý. Keď je batéria plne nabitá, všetky zelené indikátory nepretržite svietia, ak je strojček zapnutý alebo pripojený do elektrickej zásuvky.

Indikátor slabého nabitia (6)

Červený indikátor slabého nabitia zabliká, keď kapacita batérie klesne pod 20 %, za predpokladu, že je strojček zapnutý. Zostávajúca kapacita batérie postačí na 2 až 3 holenia.


Strojček zapnite stlačením tlačidla zapnutia/vypnutia (4) (obrázok). Flexibilné holiace planžety sa automaticky prispôsobia každej kontúre vašej tváre (obrázok).

Zastrihávač dlhých fúzov (2)

Na zastrihnutie bokombrád, fúzov alebo brady vysuňte zastrihávač smerom nahor.

Spínač precízneho holenia («lock») (3)

Na precíznu manipuláciu so strojčekom v miestach, ktoré sa ťažko holia (napr. pod nosom), posuňte spínač (3) doprava, do pozície «lock». Stredový zastrihávač a jedna planžeta sa stiahnu.

Tipy na najlepšie oholenie

Pre dosiahnutie najlepších výsledkov holenia vám Braun odporúča dodržiavať 3 jednoduché pravidlá:

1.Vždy sa hoľte predtým, ako si umyjete tvár.

2.Holiaci strojček držte vždy v pravom uhle (90°) k pokožke.

3.Pokožku držte napnutú a hoľte sa proti smeru rastu fúzov.


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Braun 5779 manual Holenie

5779 specifications

The Braun 5779 is a remarkable electric shaver designed to deliver a superior shaving experience, combining advanced technology with user-friendly features. This model stands out for its precision-engineered cutting system that ensures a close and comfortable shave suitable for various hair types.

One of the key features of the Braun 5779 is its Adaptive Shaving Technology, which intelligently adapts to the contours of the face and the density of the hair. This allows the shaver to maintain consistent pressure and optimize its performance across different areas, ensuring a thorough and efficient shave every time.

The shaver is equipped with a MultiHead Lock feature that enables users to lock the head into five different positions. This flexibility allows for greater control and precision, particularly in hard-to-reach areas such as the neck and jawline. The ergonomic design of the shaver provides a comfortable grip, reducing wrist strain during use and enhancing maneuverability.

Another notable characteristic of the Braun 5779 is its advanced cleaning and charging station. This station not only charges the shaver but also cleans and maintains it, utilizing a hygienic cleaning solution that sanitizes the shaving heads. This ensures that the shaver remains in optimal condition and extends its lifespan, offering great value for users.

The Braun 5779 is fully waterproof, making it practical for use in the shower and easy to clean under running water. Its flexible shaving system also supports both wet and dry shaving, allowing individuals to choose their preferred method without compromising on performance.

In terms of battery life, the Braun 5779 offers quick charging capabilities, giving users the convenience of a full charge within a short time. With a display that indicates battery status and other important settings, users can easily monitor their device’s status.

Combining efficiency, comfort, and innovative technology, the Braun 5779 is an essential choice for anyone looking for a high-quality electric shaver. Its thoughtful design and advanced features cater to the needs of modern users, making shaving a more enjoyable and effective routine.