LCD Lift Codes


)ODVKLQJ&RGHV About 10 seconds after an operation has stopped there are a set of scrolling

ÁDVKLQJQXPEHUVWKDWLQGLFDWHZKHQHYHUDSDUWLFXODUVHQVRURUVZLWFKKDVEHHQDFWLYDWHG7KHVHQXPEHUV will start at number 65 and scroll up to number 89, then start the sequence over. Remember they are not HUURUFRGHV.HHSLQPLQGWKDWWKHOLIWZLOOGLVSOD\FRGHVIRUGLIIHUHQWSRVLWLRQVDQGFHUWDLQÁDVKLQJFRGHV must be present for that position, you will not always get an error code.

6ROLG(UURU&RGHV These are the numbers that will come on the screen when the audible and visual alarm goes off, and will direct you to where the problem exists. These numbers will only stay on the VFUHHQIRUDERXWVHFRQGVDQGWKHQWKHÁDVKLQJFRGHVZLOOVFUROOLQGLFDWLQJZKDWVHQVRUVDUHDFWLYH7KLV sequence of codes will keep repeating. It is important to be looking at the screen when trying to get the lift to fail.

6ROLG1RUPDO2SHUDWLRQDO&RGHV There are also solid numbers that will appear while and after the lift is moving that indicate the lift operation and platform position.



2.Look up the number on the correct error code sheet and determine what part on the lift is causing the failure. Go to the part on the lift that is suspected of causing the failure and look for anything obvious like magnets missing, broken wires etc. If nothing is found, the next step is to determine if that sensor is send- ing a signal to the board.

3.Bring the platform to the level that the sensor should be activated using the backup pump if needed. At

WKLVSRLQWORRNXSWKHÁDVKLQJFRGHWKDWFRUUHVSRQGVWRWKDWVHQVRULQWKHHUURUFRGHVKHHWORRNDWWKH/&' VFUHHQDQGZDLWIRUWKHÁDVKLQJVFUROOLQJQXPEHUVWRDSSHDU,IWKHQXPEHULVQRWLQFOXGHGLQWKHVFUROOLQJ numbers, you know that sensor is the problem. You should then check the harness or try another magnet with the south side of the magnet facing the sensor and see if the number will come up on the display.

4.If the problem is still not found or the harness is suspected, the voltages should to be checked to and

IURPWKHVHQVRUWRÀQGWKHH[DFWORFDWLRQRIWKHSUREOHP)LUVWGHWHUPLQHWKHZLUHFRORUVIRUWKLVVHQVRUDW the board and understand the 3 voltage readings needed to operate the sensor, the 12V power, 8V power,

DQGWKH9LQSXWVLJQDOWRWKH3&ERDUGZKHQDFWLYDWHGE\DPDJQHW)LUVWFKHFNIRUD9LQSXWVLJQDO coming from the sensor to the wire going into the PC board, if there is 11V on this wire, the sensor is not being activated by the magnet. Next check the 12V and 8V wires at the PC board plug leading to the sen-

VRU2QFHYHULÀHGDWWKHSOXJRQWKH3&ERDUGWKHYROWDJHVVKRXOGWKHQEHFKHFNHGDWWKHQH[WSOXJGRZQ on the harness going to the sensor until the location of the problem is found.

$Q\WLPH\RXVHHWKHFRGHIRUWKDWVSHFLÀFVZLWFK\RXZLOOKDYHYROWVRQWKDWFRORUHGZLUHRQWKHRU pin connector from that switch. IE: Outboard Barrier is closed “72” will appear on the screen and also 8V will be present on the signal wire from that switch, if no code is present the voltage will be 11V.

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Braun 5 service manual LCD Lift Codes, 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ3URFHGXUHV

5 specifications

The Braun 5 series is a standout in the realm of electric shavers, showcasing a blend of performance, comfort, and innovative technology designed for the modern man. Renowned for its ergonomic design and user-friendly features, the Braun 5 has become a reliable grooming companion for those seeking an efficient and smooth shaving experience.

One of the most notable features of the Braun 5 is its FlexMotionTec technology. This advanced system allows the shaver head to move with the curves of the face, ensuring optimal contact with the skin. This flexibility significantly reduces skin irritation while providing a thorough shave, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive skin.

The shaver's Adaptive Shaving Technology is another key characteristic. It intelligently adapts to the density of the beard hair, adjusting its power and speed accordingly. This ensures a consistent, close shave, even in challenging areas, without the need for multiple passes. The precision trimmer, located on the back of the shaver head, adds versatility, allowing for neatly defined sideburns and mustaches.

Additionally, the Braun 5 comes with a waterproof design, making it suitable for both dry and wet shaving. Users can enjoy the convenience of using gels or foams for a more comfortable glide, or simply opt for a quick, dry shave when time is of the essence. The shaver is easy to clean under running water, further enhancing its user-friendly appeal.

Battery performance is another highlight of the Braun 5 series. With a powerful Li-Ion battery, the shaver provides robust performance with up to 50 minutes of cordless shaving on a single charge. A quick 5-minute charge offers enough power for one full shave, making it a practical choice for those always on the go.

In summary, the Braun 5 series electric shaver combines precision engineering with thoughtful features aimed at delivering an exceptional shaving experience. The blend of FlexMotionTec and Adaptive Shaving Technology, coupled with its ergonomic design and robust battery life, makes the Braun 5 an indispensable tool for modern grooming. For those in search of quality, comfort, and efficiency in their daily shave, the Braun 5 stands out as a top choice in the electric shaving market.