

























Pravidelné ãi‰tûní zaji‰Èuje lep‰í v˘kon pfii holení. Propláchnutí holicí hlavy pod tekoucí vodou po kaÏdém holení je jednoduch˘ a rychl˘ zpÛsob jak udrÏet holicí strojek ãist˘.

Zapnûte holicí strojek (bezdrátovû) a opláchnûte holicí hlavici pod horkou tekoucí vodou. MÛÏete pouÏít tekuté m˘dlo bez abrazivních sloÏek. Spláchnûte v‰echnu pûnu a nechte strojek je‰tû nûkolik sekund bûÏet.

Poté holicí strojek vypnûte, zmáãknûte tlaãítko 2 pro uvolnûní kazety planÏety a zastfiihovaãe 1 a nechte je oschnout.

Pokud ãistíte holicí strojek pod vodou pravidelnû, pak na vr‰ek kazety planÏety a zastfiihovaãe aplikujte jednou t˘dnû kapku motorového oleje.

Holicí strojek mÛÏete pfiípadnû ãistit také pomocí pfiiloÏeného ‰tûtce:

Vypnûte holicí strojek. Vyjmûte kazetu planÏety a zastfiihovaãe 1 a odloÏte ji na rovnou podloÏku. S pouÏitím kartáãe vyãistûte vnitfiek otoãné hlavice. NepouÏívejte v‰ak kartáã na ãi‰tûní kazety, mohla by se po‰kodit.

Jak udrÏovat holicí strojek ve ‰piãkovém stavu

V˘mûna kazety planÏety a zastfiihovaãe / reset Abyste si pfii holení zachovali 100% v˘kon, vymûÀte kazetu planÏety a zastfiihovaãe 1 vÏdy, kdyÏ se na displeji holicího strojku 7 rozsvítí symbol pro v˘mûnu (po 18 mûsících nebo kdyÏ je kazeta opotfiebená).

Symbol v˘mûny Vám bûhem následujících

7 holení pfiipomene nutnost v˘mûny kazety planÏety a zastfiihovaãe, pak se displej holicího strojku automaticky restartuje.

Po v˘mûnû kazety planÏety a zastfiihovaãe zmáãknûte alespoÀ na 3 sekundy pomocí kuliãkového pera tlaãítko «reset» 6, poãítadlo se restartuje.

Pfii této v˘mûnû bude blikat symbol v˘mûny, kter˘ po dokonãení restartu zhasne. Manuální restart se mÛÏe provádût kdykoli.


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Braun 730 manual Jak udrÏovat holicí strojek ve ‰piãkovém stavu

730 specifications

The Braun 730, part of the acclaimed Braun Series 7 line of electric shavers, has garnered attention for its cutting-edge technology and ergonomic design. Tailored to provide an exceptional shaving experience, the Braun 730 combines innovative features that cater to the diverse needs of users.

One of the standout characteristics of the Braun 730 is its unique Intelligent Sonic Technology, which is designed to read the density of facial hair. This shaver emits micro-vibrations that help to lift and cut hair more effectively, resulting in a closer and more comfortable shave. This feature is particularly beneficial for those with varying hair thickness, allowing the shaver to adapt and perform optimally across different areas of the face.

Additionally, the Braun 730 is equipped with AutoSense Technology, which adjusts the power of the motor according to hair density. This ensures that the shaver delivers a customized performance, providing extra power for denser areas while conserving energy on lighter patches. This adaptability not only enhances shaving efficiency but also minimizes irritation for sensitive skin.

The flexible head of the Braun 730 can pivot in multiple directions, allowing it to closely follow the contours of the face and neck. This design feature ensures that hard-to-reach areas are not missed, resulting in an even shave and reducing the need for multiple passes. Combined with its precision trimmer, which is ideal for shaping sideburns and mustaches, the Braun 730 is a versatile grooming tool.

In terms of convenience, the Braun 730 features a waterproof design, enabling users to shave in the shower or easily clean the shaver under running water. The device also comes with a cleaning and charging dock that provides hassle-free maintenance. With the touch of a button, the cleaning station automatically cleans, lubricates, and charges the shaver, ensuring that it is always ready for use.

Battery life is another important consideration, and the Braun 730 does not disappoint. With up to an hour of shaving time on a single full charge, it is perfect for both daily use and travel. A quick five-minute charge can provide enough power for a single shave, enhancing its convenience for users on the go.

Overall, the Braun 730 stands out with its combination of advanced technologies, ergonomic design, and ease of use. Whether for regular grooming or special occasions, this electric shaver delivers a superior shaving experience that meets the needs of modern users.