ServerIron ADX Security Guide 13
Transaction Rate Limit (TRL) 1
Saving a TRL configuration
The following applies to saving a TRL config:
the startup-config cannot store 15,000 IPv4 and 15,000 IPv6 rules.
If the total number of IPv4 and IPv6 rules exceeds 2500, issuing the write mem command
stores the TRL rules in the “trl_conf.txt” file on the internal USB drive.
the policy config and global/local maximum rule count config is always stored in the

Disabling the storage of TRL rules on the internal USB drive

By default, storage of TRL rules on the internal USB drive of a ServerIron ADX is enabled. You can
disable the storage of TRL rules on the internal USB drive of a ServerIron ADX as shown.
ServerIronADX(config)# no client-trans-rate-limit usb-config-gen
Syntax: no client-trans-rate-limit usb-config-gen
Where the storage of TRL rules on the internal USB drive of a ServerIron ADX is disabled and the
total rules exceeds 2500, only 2500 rules would be saved in startup-config.
Transaction rate limit command reference
This section describes the syntax, semantics, and usage for each transaction rate limit command.
This section contains the following sections:


Use the client-trans-rate-limit command in the global configuration mode to configure a transaction
rate limit rule name and traffic type.
Syntax: client-trans-rate-limit {icmp <name> | default} | {tcp <name> | default} |
{udp <name> | default}
icmp - Specifies ICMP transaction rate limit for client subnet.
tcp - Specifies TCP transaction rate limit for client subnet.
udp - Specifies UDP transaction rate limit for clien t subnet.
<name> - Specifies the name for this configuration.
default - Specifies default.


Use the trl command in the global configuration client-trl mode to configure transaction rate limit