Appendix (For USA and Canada)
C - 2
Customer Service
If you have comments or suggestion s, please write us at:
Service center locator (USA onl y)
For the location of a Brother authorize d service center, call 1-800-284-4357.
Service center locations (Cana da only)
For the location of a Brother authorize d service center, call 1-877-BROTHER
Ordering supplies
For best quality results use only genuin e Brother supplies, which are available at most Brother retailers. If you
cannot find the supplies you need and you have a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit
card, you can order supplies directly from Brother. (In the USA, you can visit us online for a complete selection
of the Brother accessories and sup plies that are available for purchase.)
In USA: 1-800-276-7746
In Canada: 1-877-BROTH ER
In USA: Printer Customer Support
Brother International Corporation
15 Musick Irvine, CA 92618
In Canada: Brother Intern ational Corporation (Canada), Ltd.
- Marketing Dept.
1, rue Hotel de Ville Dollard-des-Orme aux, PQ, Canada H9B 3H6
Internet Addresses
Brother Global Web Site: http://www.brother.com
For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Product Support and Technical Questions, and Driver Updates and Utilities:
(In USA Only) For Brother Accessories & Supplies: http://www.brothermall.com
In USA: 1-888- 879-3232 (voice)
1-800-947-1445 (fax)
In Canada: 1-877-BROTHER (voice)
Description Item
Toner Cartridge TN-550 (Standard, prints approx. 3, 500 pages)
TN-580 (High Yield, prints approx. 7,000 pages)
Drum Unit DR-520