Form No. 6500 (Rev. 03/04)
Steam Exhaust Heads
Size ranges from
Bryan exhaust heads offer long term,
The Exhaust Head
Over 100 years ago, John J. Hoppes created his first exhaust head. Today, Bryan builds units based on this original design concept which has proven very efficient in thousands of installations through the years.
The Best Materials
Bryan exhaust heads are constructed of the finest materials. The fabricated carbon steel results in an exhaust head that lasts longer and works harder for you.
Three Levels of Protection
The Bryan exhaust head gives three levels of protection against oil and water pollution: first, an expansion chamber; second, an impingement cone; and third, a catch trough and drain. What one misses, another gets, resulting in
The Right Size
You have a wide range of sizes to choose from. In fact, our sizes range from 1" to 24". We have many sizes in stock and will quote on larger sizes upon request.
How Our Exhaust Head Works
Steam enters the exhaust head and gradually expands into a chamber several times the area of the pipe. The particles of oil and water in the center of the current are separated by impinging on the cone, while those on the outer edges strike against and adhere to the side of the separating chamber. The flow of the entrainment is checked by the trough partly filled with water surround- ing the outlet, and the separated water is carried off through the drain pipes.