. 2:
. 3: Move. .the .cursor .to .the .speaker(s) .you .want . to .change .the .level .for .using .the .arrow .keys . (L, .C, .R, .RS, .LS, .RB, .LB, .SUB). .Hit .‘SELECT’. .
Now .you .can .adjust .the .Level .for .the .selected . speaker .using .the .arrow .buttons. .
. 4: Hit. .‘SELECT’ .when .finished, .and .repeat .Step .3 . to .change .the .Level .Trim .for .any .of .the .other . speakers. .
Setting the THX Subwoofer Limiter or “Bass Peak Level Manager”
To .diminish .the .chance .that .your .subwoofer .will . overload .from .the .large .amount .of .bass, .often . present .in .the .LFE .channel .the .system .uses .a .Peak . Management .circuit .which .works .with .the .data . you .supplied .during .speaker .setup .to .help .match . the .subwoofer .output .to .your .specific .subwoofer’s . capabilities. .Please .note .that .the .factory .default .
Setting the BPLM with Pink Noise
. 1: Enter. .the .main .menu .by .pressing .on .one .of . the .menu .buttons. . Move .the .cursor .to .“OS”. .
. 2: Move. .the .cursor .to .‘BPLM’. .Hit .Select. .
[BPLM=Bass .Peak .level .Manager] .You .will .see . the .following .screen.
. 3: Hit. .‘SELECT’ .and .you .will .see .the .adjustment . screen .picture .below .appear, .and .you .will .hear .
a.low .level .Pink .Noise .signal .coming .from .your . subwoofer .and/or .large .speakers.
Now .you .can .adjust .the .value .of .the .subwoofer .
menu .to .make .further .adjustments .if .needed. .
Setting the BPLM without Pink Noise
To .adjust .the .BPLM .setting .without .running .the . Noise .routine, .Enter .the .BPLM .as .above, .but .when . the .SP2 .prompts .“Do .BPLM .Routine?”, .use .the . arrow .keys .to .select .‘NO’ .and .hit .‘SELECT’. .This . will .bring .up .the .numeric .value .of .the .BPLM .setting . without .the .noise .signal. .You .can .now .adjust .the . value .using .the .arrow .keys, .and .hit .‘SELECT’ .when . finished. .
Caution: .If the BPLM is set to “OFF” or “0”, the Bass Limiting function is disabled. In this case, you may run the risk of speaker damage due to bass overload. Please be sure that your speaker system can handle high bass levels before disabling the BPLM. .
Enabling DTS-ES 6.1 Decoding
. 1: First. .enter .the .main .menu .by .pressing .on .any .
. 2: Next. .move .the .cursor .to .“OS”. .Hit .‘SELECT’; . You .are .now .in .the .‘Other .Settings’ .menu.
. 3: Move. .the .cursor .to .“ES”. .Hit .‘SELECT’; .you .can . now .change .the .ES .Control .setting.
The .options .available .in .this .menu .are:
. ● . DISABLE: . DTS-ES .will .not .be .decoded