•When you have spoken to the second caller you can return to the first caller by pressing the CALL WAITING button again. You can switch back and forth between the two calls without disconnecting either if you wish.
The second caller will only be charged for their call from the moment you answer and not while they are waiting for your initial contact.
Call My Bill
This feature gives you the cost of calls recorded on your telephone number since your last bill.
Before phoning the Call My Bill service, you need your BT customer number. This is in the top
To use Call My Bill
My Bill
•Lift the handset.
•Press the TALK button and wait for a dialling tone.
•Press the CALL MY BILL button. The call is answered by a recorded voice message.
BT Select Services
•Follow the instuctions given by the voice.
•When you have finished your call, press the TALK button or replace the handset.
Other services
•Call Barring
•Call Diversion
•Charge Advice
•Reminder Calls
For more information about these Select Services, call BT on
Freefone 0800 800 152. If you are not on the BT network please ask your telecommunications supplier for information on their services.