Downloading the Photo/Video Files
version for email or inserting into documents. When you are ready to save your edited file, you may want to use“Save As”and give it a more descriptive name than “SUNP___”. Doing this also preserves the original file as a backup to reopen and re- edit later. Make sure you have successfully transferred all the photos you wanted to save before using “Delete All” on your camera to make room for new images.
Binocular Instructions
Your Bushnell binocular is a precision instrument designed to provide many years of pleasurable viewing. This portion of the booklet will help you achieve optimum performance by explaining how you can adjust the binocular to your eyes, and how to care for this instrument. Read the instructions carefully before using your binocular.
How to Adjust For Distance Between Your Eyes
The distance between the eyes, called “interpupillary distance,” varies from person to person.
To achieve perfect alignment of lens to eye, follow these simple steps:
1.Hold your binocular in the normal viewing position.
2.Grasp each barrel firmly. Move the barrels closer together or further apart until you see a single circular field. Always