SmartSwitch 6500 User Guide 2-23
Switch Installation and Setup Using the Console
2.5.3 Console Time-out
The console can be configured to exit if it does not sense a key stroke within a defined l engt h of time. By default, the
SmartSwitch 6500 is set to never time out (value = 0). To activate the time-out feature, use the set ConsoleTimeOut
command to adjust the time-out period:
Smart6500 # set consoletimeout
Timeout(0) : 30 <Will time-out in 30 minutes without input
Confirm (y/N)? : y
Smart6500 #
2.5.4 Creating an Alias
Use the add alias command to create shorter or easier-to-remember names for command lines. For example:
Smart6500 # add alias
AliasName() : traffic
AliasedString() : set switchtrafficcongestion
Smart6500 #
The above example creates an alias (traffic) that can be entered in place of the command set
SwitchTrafficCongestion. For example:
Smart6500 # traffic
LowEPDWatermark(4096) :
HighEPDWatermark(4096) :
CLP1_DiscardWatermark(4096) :
RMCellMarkingEnable(enable) :
ExplicitRateMarkingEnable(enable) :
EFCIMarkingEnable(enable) :
Smart6500 #
Enter the show alias command to display a list of all defined aliases and the command lines to which they correspond.
:Smart6500 # show alias
AliasName(ALL) :
Alias List
Index Alias Name : Aliased Command
1 PING : Start ping
2 port : show portconfig
3 traffic : set switchtrafficcongestion
Smart6500 #
2.5.5 Ambiguous Commands
If you enter part of a command, and that part is not unique, the console displays a numbered list of possible matching
commands. For example, entering show pnnin is ambiguous because there are several commands that start with
“pnnin.” In response, the SmartSwitch 6500 displays a list of the possible commands:
Smart6500 # show pnnin < “pnnin” is ambiguous
Objects beginning with pnnin for action show
0 : PnniNeighbor
1 : PnniNetworkLink
2 : PnniNetworkNode
3 : PnniNode
4 : PnniNodeTimer
(#)Command (Q)uit? : 3< I meant PnniNode, so I enter number three (3) from the list
Smart6500 # show PnniNode