SmartSwitch 6500 User Guide 2-25
Switch Installation and Setup SmartSwitch ATM Administrator
Note Press the Esc key to back out of any command before you enter the last value.
SmartSwitch ATM Administrator is a graphical user interface application that manages SmartSwitch ATM switches.
It supports the following operations:
•Switch management
•Emulated Local Area Network (ELAN) management
•Connection management
•Alarm management
•Switch discovery
•Topology and chassis views
•PNNI group views
Additionally, the SmartSwitch ATM Administrator provides the following capabilities that are not available from the
console interface:
•Use a graphical user interface
•Perform drag and drop operations
•Manage all switches from one console
•Perform transactions across multiple switches (for example, create an ELAN when the servers are
not co-located)