1. Carry case with form-fitted foam snugly holds contents

2. MP3 Player/Recorder with dual 3.5mm headphone jacks, built-in mic to record podcasts & vocal responses and track student progress

3. 4-position stereo jackbox with individual volume controls

4. Four lightweight multimedia stereo headphones with ambient noise-reducing earcups for hearing protection

• Maximum playback volume level set to 85dB (meets American Speech and Hearing Assocation recommendations for safety)

• One year warranty for school use - unlike MP3 players purchased from consumer electronics stores whose warranties would be voided if used in schools

This MP3 Learning Center is designed for

group listening of digital audio files, recorded

books and is ideal for differentiated instruction

for language learning, reading skills, ELL and

ELD applications. It has built-in volume control

for safe listening levels and its ambient

noise-reducing earcups reduce the need to

turn the volumeup (as recommendedby the

American Speech-Language-Hearing

Association) to harmful levels and help keep

students on task.

“Project Interce pt"


Plea se con tact us immedia tely if you experie nce any

issues with your Learni ng Cente r. Our “Proje ct


custome r servic e pro gram will quick ly repair

or replace

ite ms unde r warra nty. Sim ply cont act us via

phone or email warrant y@ca lifo ne.com.


our web site at www.califone. com to learn more




line of Cal ifon e® aud io products



public addre ss systems, head -


& hea dse ts, wire less mic sys tems , grou p


centers, MP3 and multimedia players and computer

peripheral products.


We are pro ud of helping teach ers enha nce student unders tand ing and ach ievements since 1947 , with your satis faction as our first priority .

The 8100 MP3 player/recorder carries a one-year warranty & service supportavailablethroughauthorized dealers nationwide.

Distributed by:

4-Person MP3 Learning Center

Model 8104







MP3 Player/Recorder



Internal Memory

Flash 512MB, max. record up to 18 hours


Rechargeable battery Included, up to 16 hours of continuous playing time


Playable Format

MP3, WMA, WAV,DRM (WMA-DRM9 version)


Voice Recording

Built-in microphone records into ADPCM (WAV) format



USB 2.0 (full speed) USB 1.1 compliant, USB plug type



30” cord with mini-USB plug, two 3.5mm headphone


Charging Options

jacks, DC 2.35mm dia. jack, 1 Memory SD / MMC card


1) USB ~ 3.5 hours = 80% charge; ~ 5 hours = full charge


Supported Systems

2) DC ~ 2 hours = 80% charge; ~ 4 hours = full charge


Win 98SE (with driver), Win ME / 2000 / XP, Mac OS X



Ambient noise reducing earcups, 4’ cord, 3.5mm jack


1114AVPS Jackbox



Listening positions


Four, each with volume control


Contact points


Silver-plated for optimal connections


Patch cord


Six feet


Carry Case


Rugged ABS plastic with internal foam


Case Dimensions


11” x 5” x 14”


For more detailed information about any Learning Center components, consult


their individual spec sheet.




4 lbs., shipping weight 5 lbs.

Warranty from purchase date MP3 Player - 1 year, headphones - 6 months



CE & FCC approved for safe use in schools,




churches, business and government facilities

Califone® International Inc. 800-722-0500


8104, January 2008

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Califone 8104 specifications Person MP3 Learning Center Model, Specifications