Foot Pedal and Mouse
Model KMFT
1.Foot pedal performs left / right / double click functions just as on a conventional mouse
2.USB plug connects to computer
3.Foot mouse moves cursor
4.Five buttons A, B, C, D and E (red and yellow) can be programmed as keyboard shortcuts
5.Horizontal roller allows the user to use their feet to scroll through windows or web pages
This innovative foot pedal & mouse combination enables students to type and perform other mouse functions with their feet. Designed for students with special needs, it can be used for individual computer based activities and literacy functions.
“Project Intercept"
Please contact us immediately if you experience any questions or issues with your FootimeTM Foot Pedal and Mouse. Our “Project Intercept" customer service program will quickly repair or replace items under warranty. Simply contact us via phone or email warranty@califone.com.
Visit our website at www.califone.com to learn more about the complete line of wired and wireless Califone® headphones and other audio products including: Portable and installed public address systems, group listening centers, MP3 and other multimedia players, computer peripheral products.
We are pro ud of helping teach ers enha nce student unders tand ing and ach ievements since 1947 , with your satis faction as our first priority .
The FootimeTM Foot Pedal and Mouse carry a one year warranty with service support available through authorized dealers. Distributed by:
Foot Pedal | 4 | Foot Mouse |
Operating System Requirements with USB connection
•Microsoft Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, XP and Vista
•Apple Mac OS X 10.3 and later
Califone® International Inc.
KMFT, July 2008