
Listening to Voicemail
30 Avaya one-X™ Mobile User Guide for iPhone February 2008
From your voicemail inbox, you can add the person who left you a message to your Phonebook.
To add a contact from your new voicemail inbox to your Phonebook:
1. On the Avaya one-X Mobile Home screen, tap New Voicemail.
The New Voicemail inbox appears. Each voicemail entry shows the time or date of the call.
See New and Saved Voicemail Inbox Iconson page 27 for a description of the icons that
appear next to each voicemail entry.
2. Tap for the appropriate contact.
The information screen appears.
3. Tap Save Contact.
A new contact screen appears. See Add a Phonebook contact on page 38 for more
Send an e-mail to a contactIf the e-mail address of the contact who left you the voicemail is known, from the voicemail
inbox you can send an e-mail to the contact.
Note: Your e-mail account on the iPhone must be set up in order for this feature to work.
To send an e-mail message from your New Voicemail inbox to a contact who left you a
voicemail message:
1. On the Avaya one-X Mobile Home screen, tap New Voicemail.
The New Voicemail inbox appears. Each voicemail entry shows the time or date of the call.
See New and Saved Voicemail Inbox Iconson page 27 for a description of the icons that
appear next to each voicemail entry.
2. Tap for the appropriate contact.
The information screen appears.
3. Tap the contact’s e-mail address.
A new e-mail message appears with the address in the recipient field.
4. Complete the e-mail message as appropriate.