Operating Manual
connectors in addition to the video input. The audio inputs should remain
unconnected, as the camera does not have audio capability.
The video output can be turned on and/or off by pressing the Set-up Button when
the power switch is in the ON position.
During every image acquisition sequence the video output will be momentarily
activated when the image is acquired, allowing the operator to view the image that
is being captured.
3.6 External I/O Connector
The External I/O connector provides Inputs and Outputs for operating camera
peripherals, such as the optional motorized enclosure that is used for operation
under extremely harsh environmental conditions. Please contact a Campbell
Scientific sales representative for details and availability of the CC640
The Ext. (External Control) input signal can be used to initiate an image
acquisition. An image acquisition can be initiated on demand by applying a
voltage pulse to the Ext. input. The camera will remain in its quiescent state when
the signal to this input remains at logic low (Less that 0.7 Volts). To initiate an
image acquisition the input should be pulsed high (4.0 - 15 Volts). The
recommended duration of the pulse is between 1ms and 10 seconds.
Leaving the Ext. input signal high for more than 10 seconds will result in another
image acquisition starting immediately after the completion of the first.
If the Ext. input signal is left in the High state continuously, the camera will not
enter its low power mode and images will be acquired on a continuous basis.
The Ext. Control Input signal is operated with the power switch in the Auto mode.
If the power switch is left in the ON position the LED will flash twice and begin
an image acquisition when a positive Ext Signal is detected, providing easy
confirmation of an externally applied signal.
3.7 LED (Green)
The green LED is intended to provide feedback for the operator. On power up the
LED will slowly flash 4 times, indicating that a normal power-on sequence has
occurred. If the LED flashes rapidly for several seconds, it means that the camera
failed one of the power-on tests. This response is rare and will require that the
camera be returned to an authorized repair facility.
The LED will also flash once if the Set-up button is pressed and twice if the SNAP
button is pressed. During communications or a firmware update the LED will
remain ON to indicate a process is in progress that should not be interrupted.
If the power switch is in the ON position the LED should flash once every 5
seconds to indicate that it is running. If the set-up button is pressed, the LED will
briefly flash once a second to indicate that the camera is ready for set-up using the
Device Configuration Utility.