Section 3. Programming CR10X, CR7 and CR23X Once set the switches remain set until changed by another call of P118 or on loading a different program. Therefore it is only necessary to call a P118 to set these switches once, after program compilation, or when a switch needs to be changed using a call of P118 within an IF..THEN program construct (see the program examples below).

Switch ‘a’: 0 This digit is currently unused; enter zero

Switch ‘b’: 0 SDM-CAN returns the last value captured from the network,
even if read before (Default)
1 SDM-CAN returns –99999 if a data value is requested by the
datalogger and a new value has not been captured from the
network, since the last request.
2-9 Currently unused
Switch ‘c’: 0 Disable I/O Interrupts (Default) – see section 3.4.1
1 Enable I/O Interrupts, pulsed mode
2 Enable I/O Interrupts, fast mode
3-7 Currently unused
8 Set low power standby mode. The SDM-CAN cannot wake from
this state as a result of CAN-Bus activity. Setting this switch to
any other value will bring the SDM-CAN out of standby.
9 Leave this switch setting unchanged
Switch ‘d’: 0 Listen only mode, no CAN transmission or acknowledgement to
a correctly received CAN frame is possible. The SDM-CAN runs
in ‘Error Passive’ mode (Default).
1 One shot transmission, no re-transmission will occur in the
event of loss of arbitration or error. Frames received correctly
from an external node are acknowledged
2 Self-reception. A frame transmitted from the SDM-CAN that was
acknowledged by an external node will also be received by the
SDM-CAN but no re-transmission will occur in the event of loss
of arbitration or error. Frames received correctly from an
external node are acknowledged
3 Normal, re-transmission will occur in the event of loss of
arbitration or error. Frames received correctly from an external
node are acknowledged. This is the usual setting to use if the
SDM-CAN is to be used to transmit data.
4 One shot transmission and self test mode. The SDM-CAN will
perform a successful transmission even if there is no
acknowledgement from an external CAN node. Frames received
correctly from an external node are acknowledged
5 Self-reception and self test mode. The SDM-CAN will perform a
successful transmission even if there is no acknowledgement
from an external CAN node. Frames received correctly from an
external node are acknowledged. The SDM-CAN will receive its
own transmission
6 Normal and self test mode. The SDM-CAN will perform a
successful transmission even if there is no acknowledgement
from an external CAN node. Frames received correctly from an
external node are acknowledged.
7 Similar to switch setting 'd-3' , but this setting is 'remembered' at
power-up. During power-up, the SDM-CAN will acknowledge all
valid messages.
NOTE: This setting relies on the datalogger having set up the
SDM-CAN before use.
8 Not defined
9 Leave this switch setting unchanged