Section 3. Programming CR10X, CR7 and CR23X
;Interrupt subroutine 98, when C8 goes high run this subroutine
1: Beginning of Subroutine (P85)
1: 98 Subroutine 98
;Read CAN value
2: SDM-CAN (P118)
1: 00 SDM Address
2: 2 Time Quanta
3: 5 Tseg1
4: 2 Tseg2
5: 1 ID Bits 0..10 (-- for 11-bit CAN ID)
6: 0 ID Bits 11..23
7: 0 ID Bits 24..28
8: 1 Rx, unsigned int, MSB 1st
9: 1 Start Bit No.
10: 16 -- No. of Bits
11: 1 No. of Values
12: 10 Loc [ RxTC_1 ]
13: 1.0 Mult
14: 0.0 Offset
;end of interrupt subroutine
3: End (P95)
End Program
The SDM-Group Trigger controls SDM devices that support the Group Trigger
protocol, including the SDM-CAN. All Group Trigger devices are triggered to
make simultaneous measurements, the data is then retrieved by using the
appropriate instruction.
For the SDM-CAN, this instruction is can be used in a vehicle where more than
one CANbus network is present. An example of using the group trigger is shown
*Table 1 Program
01: 1 Execution Interval (seconds)
;Initiate Group Trigger
1: SDM-Group Trigger (P110)
;Retrieve Data from CAN network A
2: SDM-CAN (P118)
1: 00 SDM Address
2: 4 Time Quanta
3: 5 Tseg1
4: 2 Tseg2
5: 204 ID Bits 0..10 (-- for 11-bit CAN ID)
6: 81 1 ID Bits 11..23