Appendix F. Reading Voice Code Information from a “.DLD File

The above code translates to:

Input Locations



(four decimal places) Campbell Scientific Datalogger Program (pause) (pause) (pause) "Datalogger Internal Temperature" is (input location 3) Degrees Fahrenheit.

(four decimal places) Datalogger Battery Voltage is (input location 1) Volts.

F.2 Callback Code

If the datalogger has been programmed to initiate voice calls, you will see the phone number associated with the call command at the very end of the listing. The flag number used to initiate the call and the phone number will be between "at" symbols (@).

This example initiates a voice call: ;#"56&57&"# #"53&"# #"52&"#




Line four, above, starts out as “><2/4”. The “>” means this message is selected as an initial message. The “<2” indicates that this message will be spoken if flag 2 is the flag that initiates callback. The “2” preceding the phone number “@2555-1234@” means the phone number (555-1234) will be called when flag 2 goes low in the program.

The code translates as:

Input Locations



(flag 2) (4 decimal places) "Battery Voltage" Is (input location 1) Volts.

(callback flag 2) (telephone number 555-1234)
