7.Datalogger Program Details
7.1Datalogger Scan Rate
The Module samples channel state every 2 ms and accumulates the information for duty cycle and counts. Each channel has one 16 bit accumulator for duty cycle and one for counts. The accumulators are reset when the datalogger requests information from the SW8A and when the count exceeds 65535. The datalogger scan rate must be frequent enough to avoid SW8A accumulator overflow.
Each Duty Cycle accumulator resets every 131 seconds (2 ms * 65536) or roughly 2 minutes. If Duty Cycle is requested, the datalogger scan rate must be less than 131 seconds.
The rate at which Count accumulators are reset is input frequency dependent. For example, at a maximum input frequency of 100 Hz, the datalogger must sample the SW8A at least every 655 seconds (approximately 10 minutes) or the accumulator for that channel resets and starts over again.
7.2 First Scan
From the time power is applied, the SW8A samples the state of all channels every 2 ms. The first time the datalogger executes Instruction 102 and requests information, the results represent the time period since the SW8A was powered up, not the datalogger scan interval. This problem may be avoided by ignoring the data from the first scan after the datalogger is compiled. The example program (see Appendix) includes a routine which discards first scan data.
7.3 Watchdog Reset
Any microprocessor may occasionally fail due to input transients or intermittent component failure (e.g., a bombed condition). The SW8A has a "watchdog" counter which resets the processor under such conditions. When functioning normally, the processor resets the watchdog counter. To transfer data between the datalogger and the SW8A, the datalogger drives the clock line, Control Port 2, high and low (refer to Theory of Operation, Section 9). The watchdog counts clock line transitions, and if the count exceeds 64, the watchdog resets the SW8A processor. Requesting State produces 16 clock transitions. Duty Cycle and Count each produce 24 + 16 clock transitions per channel.
The length of time that the SW8A stays bombed before a watchdog reset occurs is a function of the datalogger scan rate and the amount of information requested from the Module. For example, if the datalogger scan rate is 10 minutes, and 2 channels of counts are requested, the SW8A may stay bombed for 20 minutes. To avoid this undesirable time delay before resetting, a trapping routine may be programmed into the datalogger to detect a bombed condition and immediately force a watchdog reset.
The trapping routine keys on the fact that