Troubleshooting Guide

Playback Problems

The LCD monitor does not display a clear image.

If the LCD monitor is dirty, use a soft cloth to clean it.

In low or high temperatures, the LCD monitor display may seem slow or might look black. It will return to normal at room temperature.

Part of the image blinks in black.

It is the highlight alert (p.200). Overexposed highlight areas with a loss of highlight detail will blink.

The image cannot be erased.

If the image has been protected, it cannot be erased (p.194).

The movie cannot play.

Movies edited with a personal computer using the provided ZoomBrowser EX/ImageBrowser (p.270) or other software cannot be played with the camera.

When the movie is played, camera operation noise can be heard.

If you operate the camera’s dials or lens during movie shooting, the operation noise will also be recorded.

The movie has still moments.

If there is a drastic change in the exposure during movie shooting, the autoexposure stops the recording momentarily until the exposure stabilizes.

The subject looks distorted during movie shooting.

If you move the camera to the left or right quickly (high-speed panning) or shoot a moving subject, the image may look distorted.