
Editing Movies

You can cut movies to remove unneeded portions at the beginning or end.

1Choose [*].

zzFollowing steps 1 – 5 on =110 – 111, choose [*] and press the <m> button.

XXThe movie editing panel and editing bar are now displayed.

Movie Editing Panel

2Specify portions to cut.



zzPress the <o><p> buttons to choose





] or [







zzTo view the portions you can cut





(identified by [ ] on the screen), press




the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5>







dial to move [ ]. Cut the beginning of the




movie (from [ ]) by choosing [

], and




cut the end of the movie by choosing


Movie Editing Bar
















zzEven if you move [ ] to a position other




than a [

] mark, choosing [ ] will only




cut the portion from the nearest [

] to




the left, and choosing [

] will cut the




portion from the nearest [

] to the right.


3Review the edited movie.

zzPress the <o><p> buttons to choose

[], and then press the <m> button. The edited movie is now played.

zzTo edit the movie again, repeat step 2.

zzTo cancel editing, press the <o><p> buttons to choose []. Press the <m> button, choose [OK] (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button again.