Saving and Sharing Your Recordings

A checkmark !will appear on the scenes you touch. The total number of selected scenes will appear next to the " icon.

Touch a selected scene to remove the checkmark. To remove all checkmarks at once, touch [Remove All] > [Yes].

4After selecting all the desired scenes, touch [OK] and then touch [Next].

To add a cinema-look filter*: The camcorder offers 7 cin- ema-look filters. You can read a description of each filter and preview its effect on the screen.

[FILTER 1] >Select the desired filter >[OK]

To deactivate the cinema-look filter, touch the [FILTER] button again.

• To add decorations*:

[Ò] >Decorate the scene (A103) >[X]

*When a cinema-look filter is applied to a movie, you cannot add decorations.