G-6 Glossary
G3, Group 3 fax machine
Defined by CCITT/ITU-T. Uses encoding schemes to transmit image data while
reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted, thus reducing
transmission time. G3 fax machines can transmit one page in less than one minute.
Encoding schemes for G3 fax machines are Modified Huffman (MH), Modified
READ (MR), and Modified Modified READ (MMR).
A written, printed, or electronically displayed symbol or drawing. Also, characters
or text that have been generated by a computer graphics application program.
Representing color in black & white as a result of different intensities of color.
Different colors and intensities of colors appear as different shades of gray.
Group dialing
A dialing method that enables you to dial up to 111 registered one-touch speed
dialing or coded speed dialing numbers together as a group. This means that you
can press just one or three buttons to enter numbers when sending the same
document to many destinations.
Using this method, the MultiPASS produces shades of gray or of colors by mapping
dots to be printed. For color printing, different colored dots of ink are placed
closely together to create illusions of other colors.