Chapter 4 Sending Faxes 4-21
Sending Faxes
5. Use d or u to select the transaction number (TX/RX NO.) of the document
you want to print.
The marks before the transaction number (TX/RX NO.) have the
following meanings:
(No mark): The document is in black & white.
A: The document is in color.
#: The document is in black & white and is being sent or
printed automatically.
&: The document is in color and is being sent or printed
If you are unsure of the transaction number (TX/RX NO.) of the
document you want to print, you can print the list of documents stored in
memory (see page 4-19).
Use l or r to display the details of the transaction (destination, for
6. Press Set.
7. Select whether you want to print the first page of the document only, or all
pages of the document.
Press T to print the first page only.
Press # to print all pages.
If you have the BC-21e Color BJ Cartridge installed, the MultiPASS starts
printing the document.
If you are printing a black & white document and have the BC-20 Black BJ
Cartridge installed, the MultiPASS starts printing the document.
Ex: TX/RX NO. A0003
YES=(A) NO=(#)