5.Trouble Shooting

1.Incorrect number of copies are printed

A following reason can be the cause. Follow the instruction below to remove the cause of problem.

A)Check from the “JDF Job Definitions” dialog box of JDF Connector software if the correct number of copies is specified.

If you still have trouble, please contact the Canon service personnel.

2. Cannot change the Duplex print option setting

A following reason can be the cause. Follow the instruction below to remove the cause of problem.

A)From Command WorkStation, right-click the job and select “Property”. When “Property” dialog opens, confirm the “Duplex” print option setting on the Layout. If the option is not set properly, contact the Prinect system engineer.

If you still have trouble, please contact the Canon service personnel.

3. “Copies” print option cannot be set

A following reason can be the cause. Follow the instruction below to remove the cause of problem.

A)From Command WorkStation, right-click the job and select “Property”. When “Property” dialog opens, confirm the “Copies” print option setting on the Job Info. If the option is not set properly, contact the Prinect system engineer.

If you still have trouble, please contact the Canon service personnel.

4. The size specified for double-page spreads does not come out properly

One of the following reasons can be the cause. Follow the instruction below to remove the cause of problem.

A)Check the unsent (original) PDF file if the same problem can be seen. If you see the same problem, please make corrections on the original PDF file data.

B)Check the job processed at the Prinect system if the same problem can be seen. If you see the same problem, please contact the Prinect system engineer.

If you still have trouble, please contact the Canon service personnel.