Loaded with Powerful Image Processing Software
The DR-2580Carrives bundled with CapturePerfect®3.0
and Adobe
® 7.0
, so it’s ready to use rightout of
the box. Plus, it’s packed with new, intuitive featuresthat
putyou in control of the image capture process.
CapturePerfect is a robust, out-of-the-boxdocument
imaging application thatmaximizes the performance
of DR-SeriesScanners. The DR-2580C comes with an
updated version of the software, so you can scan, view,
save, distribute, and print office documents more easily
than ever before. CapturePerfectis compatible with every
feature on the DR-2580Cand offers a number of post-scan
image editing functions. Equallyimportant, it provides
different ways to scan documents, and you can save files
in a variety of formats, including TIFF, BMP, JPEG, and
searchable PDF. The software also offersa number of
more powerful featuressuch as full-text OCR, encrypted
PDF file creation, and file name indexing capabilities.
Advanced Scanning Technologyin a Small Package
The DR-2580Cis not only one of the smallest, but also
one of the most easy-to-use scannersin its class. You can
enjoy one-touch scanning bysimply assigning your most
common functions to its customizable Scan-To Job buttons.
You’llbe able to enhance black-and-white scans with the
ContrastAdjustment feature that sharpens images and
makestext more distinctive on low-contrastdocuments.
And you’ll consistently capture high-quality scans
because a built-in shading board automaticallyadjusts
shading prior to each and every scan job.
The DR-2580Calso includes the new Rapid Recovery
System, which sends onlycompleted image data to
your application software, offering seamlessscanning
operation should a feeding error occur. And the Punch
Hole Removal function removesthe black dots that
appear when you scan pagesfrom booklets or binders.
From the Leader in Imaging Technology
Compact, powerful, and fast. The DR-2580Cis a versatile
scanner designed to meet the diverse imaging needsof
your busy office. Thisinnovative machine offers you the
most advanced featuresin document scanning. Better yet,
it comes bundled with the latestversion of CapturePerfect
and Adobe Acrobat, so it’s easy to use rightout of the
box. Most important, it’s from Canon, the brand the world
relies on for the latest solutionsin imaging technology.
DR-2580Cwith optional Flatbed Scanner