Type: CompactColor Document Scanner
Item Number: 0080B002AA
Document-feeding: Automaticor Manual
Width: 2.1" - 8.5"
Length: 2.8" - 14"
U-Turn path
Automatic-feeding: 14-32 lb. Bond
Manual-feeding: 11-40 lb. Bond
Automatic-feeding: 11-40 lb. Bond
Manual-feeding: 11-40 lb. Bond
Feeder/Stacker Capacity:
50 Sheets
Grayscale: 8-bit
Color: 24-bit
Scanning Element: ContactImage Sensor (CMOS)
LightSource: RGB LED
Scanning Modes: Simplex, Duplex, Color, Grayscale,
Blackand White, Advanced Text
Enhancement, Error Diffusion
DropoutColor: RGB
OpticalResolution: 600 dpi
OutputResolution: 100/150/200/240/300/400/600 dpi
Scanning Speeds*
(LTR Portrait@ 200 dpi) Simplex Duplex
Blackand White: 25 ppm 50 ipm
Grayscale: 25 ppm 50 ipm
Color: 13 ppm 18 ipm
Color 150 dpi: 17 ppm 32 ipm
Interface: USB 2.0
Scanner Drivers: For Windows
Bundled Software: CapturePerfect 3.0 and Adobe Acrobat
7.0 Standard
Dimensions(H x W x D): 3.2" x12.0" x 6.6"
Weight: 4.2 lb.
Power Consumption: 85W or Less
(EnergySaving Mode: 6W or Less)
DailyDuty Cycle: Approx. 700 Scans
Options: Flatbed Unit (0106B001AA)
Barcode Module (0434B003AA)
Exchange Roller Kit(0106B002AA)
Carrying Case
*Examplesbased on typical settings, rated in pages/imagesper
minute with letter-sized documentsat 200 dpi unlessother wise
specified. Actualprocessing speeds mayvar ybased on PC per-
formance and application software.
NOTE:The DR-2580C hasbeen tested for compatibility with
manyof the industry’s leading document management solution
providers. Please visitthe scanner’s productpage on Canon
U.S.A.’sWeb site at www.usa.canon.comfor a comprehensive
printed on recycled
paper in the u.s.a.
1-800-OK-CANONwww.usa.canon.comCanon U.S.A., Inc.One Canon PlazaLake Success, NY11042© 2005 Canon U.S.A., Inc. Allrights reserved.
Asan Energy Star®Partner, Canon U.S.A., Inc. has determined that this product meets the Energy
Star®guidelinesfor energy efficiency. Energy Starand the Energy Star certification mark are regis-
tered U.S. marks. ISISis a registered trademark of Captiva Software Corporation. Adobe, the Adobe
logo, and Acrobatare registered trademarksofAdobe SystemsIncorporated in the United States
and/or other countries. Windowsis a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United
Statesand/or other countries. CapturePerfect is a registered trademark of Canon Electronics Inc.
CanonandCan onKnow How are registered trademarksof Canon Inc. in the United States and mayalso
be registered trademarksor trademarksin other countries. IMAGEANYWARE is a service markof Canon
U.S.A., Inc. in the United States. Allreferenced productnames and other marks are trademarks of their
respective owners.
Allspecificationsare subjectto change withoutnotice.