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I Locking-ln an Exposure Reading
In the majority of cases. Canon EF's Central Emphasis. Metering system will give correct exposure readings in AE photography. However, occasionally you will encounter
(1)Your subject is strongly backlighted or con- trasts sharply with the background and will not appear in the center of the picture.
(2)The entire scene is either extremely light, such as a light colored subject in snow; or it is very dark, such as a dark colored subject in deep shade or against a dark background.
In the above cases, it is necessary to modify the automatic exposure reading which the camera nor- mally sets by itself. The Canon EF provides a convenient way to do this by incorporating an AE memory lock button on the left side of the camera between the pentaprism and the ASA ring. By holding in this button, you can lock the meter needle of the camera at a particular f/stop while you change the position of the camera (and hence the view in the viewfinder). To produce a good exposure in the first situation (1) described above, focus on your main subject and center it in the viewfinder. If