07/02/09 11:18Canon PowerShot G10 - Digital Camera Reviews & Photography Tips
Page 13 of 23http://www.dphotojournal.com/canon-g10-reviews-sample-images-user-manual/
Yeah maby the two negatives above are the same John.Probably he/she is very disappointed and
unfortunately he/she is telling the truth.
Good luck with your G10 John but i´ll be waiting
for a real sensor compact.
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Comment by Roy Williamson
Thank you everyone for your comments since my original post.
OK, I can live without the fold out screen. I had wanted it for candid shots but if the LCD can be
seen from as good angles then fine.
However, I really want a camera like the G10 so that I don’t have to take my SLR out with its
lenses every time. I guess a lot of people want that freedom from time to time. I also like the idea
of “Live View” and thats really, really what I want. I have looked at the 450D and the new 50D -
I cannot afford a 5D.
So, if we are saying that the G10 doesn’t hit the spot, is there anything else I should look at that is
at least as good as the G10 or should I wait for the supposed G11?
2008-10-17 07:03:48
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Comment by Jack
Hi Roy!
if you can accept another mark than Canon
and like a compact format with live view and the capability of a fullgrown DSLR.
Take a look at the coming Sigma DP2.
The second generation of the Sigma full sensor compact. (Sorry for my bad english)
2008-10-17 17:12:06
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Comment by Jimmy
What about the Panasonic LX-3? It’s got 10 megapixels, wide 24mm, HD movie, RAW support
etc. The reviews have been good too..
2008-10-17 19:14:20
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Comment by JGS
“Maby” Gunter is also the same as Rick and Sammy! This is a little suspect.
Enjoy that slow, limited Sigma. Nice sensor though.
2008-10-18 14:31:12
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