07/02/09 11:18Canon PowerShot G10 - Digital Camera Reviews & Photography Tips
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Comment by Frank
Panasonic G1 when it comes out. Sounds like it’s not going to be much bigger than the G10 but with
a sensor 6x(?) the size.
2008-10-17 14:55:14
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Comment by nosiaht
Does anyone compare G10 with G9? Does G10 have any advantage over G9 that makes a G9 owner
to go rush and buy a G10? Thanks.
2008-10-20 19:38:21
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Comment by TG
Canon G10- New not improved.
I read the rumors on the blogs about Canon discontinuing the G9 and all the new and improved
features for the G10. I pre order the rig on Amazon and sure enough it delivered today October 3rd,
2008. With the excitement of a 10 year old I ripped open the box and unleashed the new toy.
That is where the excitement ended.
they removed the Time Lapse feature that was so fun to share with friends. Why? the video file size is
smaller. Why? Great new sensor but I think that Canon forgot why this camera is so fun. The
flexibility to carry one rig to document decent stills and capture video for better story telling. I put my
feeling in a video:
http://www.studionemo.com/2008/10/canon-10-new-but- not-improved/
2008-10-29 06:00:23
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Comment by MX5
I’ve had my G10 a few weeks. Wanted something faster (in terms of startup and write) than my
Coolpix 8700 when I’m out walking and have no room for a DSLR. So I wasn’t expecting it to blow
my 40D away. Yes there is noise … but nothing that noiseninja hasn’t righted. Main grumble is being
able to see the lens housing through the optical viewfinder.
But so far I got what I paid for and expected.
2008-10-30 08:29:54
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Comment by beatriz
I am desperate and still using film. This is what I am looking for: Something small and lightweight
2008-11-01 14:46:40