Facsimile (MF3240 Only)
Message | Description | Action |
ALREADY REGISTERED | The same recipient was | Select a different recipient. |
| entered twice. |
CANNOT REGIST MORE | – Maximum number of | – Resend the document to |
| recipients (123) were | other recipients if neces- |
| entered for broadcasting. | sary. |
| – Maximum number of | – Register a different one- |
| recipients (50) were regis- | touch speed dialing key |
| tered for group dialing. | for group dialing. |
HANG UP PHONE | External telephone is off the | Hang up the phone. |
| hook. |
LINE IS BUSY | The telephone line is busy or | Check if the recipient’s |
| there was no answer. | number is correct or the |
| telephone cable is properly |
| connected. |