f)Adjustments to the tube length may be required. To check this, move the cartridge holder left and right to each end of the printer. It should reach both ends with ease. Check that the tubing is neither too long nor too short. The tubing must not interfere with the printer data wire nor should it fall down into the paper support or cause any interference to the head movement.

g)If required, adjust the tube length by gently pulling the silicone tubing in the direction required. DON’T HAVE THE TUBING FITTED TOO TIGHTLY.

h)As the scanner lid is being held ajar by an extra centimetre it may be necessary to activate the lid sensor switch. Cut a small piece of Styrofoam (around 1cm2) from the CISS packaging. Use the foam to push down and activate the lid sensor located at the right hand corner of the printer as pictured below.

Please refer to section 11) Finishing Touches on 22 to complete the installation process