15)Trouble Shooting

Please contact rihactm on (+61)3 9005 5555 If any of the following trouble shooting suggestions do not fix your problems.


a)Leaking Ink

If your CISS appears to be leaking from the cartridges, please ensure that you do not have the ink reservoirs placed higher then the printer level. The CISS works on a vacuum and if raised gravity will take over and flood you printer. Ensure that you installed the silicone seals as section 5) of this manual. Failure to install the seals can result in ink seepage.

b)Poor Print Quality

i)Bad print nozzle check.

If you are having problems when performing nozzle checks please ensure that the small silicone seals have not moved out of place when inserting the cartridges. They must not be interfering with the print head.

Not enough ink!

ii)If you are finding that colours seem to be missing or are printing poorly please ensure that you have placed the air valves into the travel plug holes as per section 11)a). If you have done this please check that the roller clamp on the back of your CISS is released (ie rolled to the top) as per section 11)a).

iii)If your unit has excess air in the silicone tubing please perform a deep head clean followed by a nozzle check. If this does not remove the air from the tubing please refer to the priming instructions on page 24.

Too much ink!

iv)Please ensure that you do not have your ink reservoir placed higher than the printer level. The CISS works on a vacuum and if raised higher than the printer head, gravity will take over and flood you printer

v)Check your printer settings to ensure you have the correct setting for the paper you are using. If you choose photo paper when using plain paper or vice versa the print will be affected as these settings determine the amount of ink dispersed onto the paper.

c)Abnormal Grinding Noises.

If your printer is making abnormal sounds or the printer head seems to be struggling to move from one end to the other please readjust the metal bracket which is holding the silicone tubing and check the length of the tubing as per page 13).