10 - A

10 - B

□ If the Detected Access Points List screen appears

□ When the Confirm Connection Access Point screen






1 Select the target access point name/network name (SSID).

2 Enter the network key.

Enter upper and lower case letters of the alphabet correctly. Letters are case sensitive. To use WEP key number 2, 3 or 4, click WEP Key Number, then specify the WEP key number.

3 Click Connect.

Go to on page 34.

• If the target access point is not displayed on the Detected Access Points List screen, refer to the printed manual: Network Setup Troubleshooting.

For details on how to check the access point name/network name (SSID) and network key, refer to the manual supplied with your access point or contact its manufacturer.


An identifier to identify the specific access point.

Network Key

Also referred to as encryption key, WEP key or WPA/WPA2 passphrase, Pre-Shared key. A password required to set to prevent unauthorized access to communication.

1 Make sure that the target access point is displayed, then click Yes.

If you are using Macintosh, a screen asking for permission to access the keychain appears. In this case, click Allow or Allow Once.

Go to on page34.

• If the target access point is not displayed in the above screen, click No, then perform - .

10 Set Up a Wireless Connection