






The batteries are

Battery capacity drops due to low

zIf shooting in a cold area, keep the batteries

consumed quickly.

ambient temperatures.

warm (by placing them in an inner pocket, etc.)



until ready to use them.


Battery terminals are dirty.

zWipe them well with a dry cloth before use.


The batteries have not been used

zPerformance should return to normal after


for over a year.

several charging cycles.





Battery life exceeded.

zReplace all 4 batteries with new ones.

If using

Batteries were placed in the

zPut batteries back into the charger in the


charger in the wrong direction.

correct direction.

batteries: Batteries



Poor electrical contact, between

zBe sure to set batteries firmly into the charger.

do not charge in

batteries and the charger.

zBe sure that the power cord is firmly

separately sold


connected to the charger, and is firmly plugged

battery charger.



in to the power outlet.







Battery terminals are dirty.

zWipe them well with a dry cloth before charging.


Battery life exceeded.

zReplace all 4 batteries with new ones.

Shots are blurry or

The camera was moving when you

zHold the camera steady when shooting.


took the shot.






Autofocus function hampered by

zBe careful not to block the AF-assist beam


obstruction to AF-assist beam.

flash part with a finger or other object.


The AF-assist beam settings are

zTurn the [AF-assist beam] setting [On] (p. 67).


set to [Off].