z Be careful not to touch the microphone while shooting.
z The AE, AF, white balance and zoom settings are set and locked to the settings of the first frame.
z After a shot, the upper indicator blinks green while the movie clip is being recorded to the CF card. You cannot shoot again until it stops blinking.
z See page 159 for settings that can be
changed in this mode.
z Sound is recorded monaurally.
z There is no shutter sound in movie mode.
z QuickTime 3.0 or higher is required to playback movie files (AVI / Motion JPEG) on a computer. (QuickTime (for Windows) is bundled on the supplied Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk. On the Macintosh platform, QuickTime 3.0 or later is generally bundled with Mac OS 8.5 or later operating system.)
Shooting – The Basics
Basics The