4Download images.


Downloading of images begins.

The downloaded images are saved in the folder selected in step 1 and are displayed in the main window of ZB.

The downloaded images are sorted into folders by date and saved.

Click the EOS Utility [Quit] button to exit EOS Utility and turn the camera’s power switch to < OFF >.

Downloading Images Using Your Card Reader

You can also download images to the computer using a third-party card reader.

1Select the save destination for the images (p.7).2Load the memory card into the card reader.

When the dialog box below appears, select [using Canon ZoomBrowser EX] and then click the [OK] button. ZB starts up.






Advantages of using EOS Utility to download images







Using EOS Utility to download images makes it easier to organize your



images as they are downloaded, sorted and saved into folders by date.

Proceed to step 4.