Canon ZR90, ZR80, ZR85 manual Celebrate Life, Digic Dv, Image Stabilizer, Genuine Canon Optics

Models: ZR80

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Whether spending a summer day at the beach, viewing the beauty of the crisp fall foliage, or celebrating the joy and warmth of the holiday season, Canon’s new ZR series camcorders allow you to make time stand still. Smooth and compact, they immediately conform to the contour of your hand, allowing memories to be effortlessly captured anytime, anyplace. Offering exceptional value, easy operation, and outstanding performance, Canon’s ZR series camcorders can turn even every day occasions into milestones you can cherish forever.







Image Stabilizer









DIGIC DV is a system for achieving superior video and

A high quality image






photographic images. Canon's expertise in imaging and

stabilization system corrects camcorder

electronics is flawlessly blended together, resulting in outstanding

shake instantly, so your videos always

performance. It offers substantial benefits in color reproduction.

look smooth, steady and natural even

DIGIC DV makes it possible to achieve accurate color for both

when shooting hand-held at full

video and digital photos. Since video and photos have different




















color requirements, DIGIC DV utilizes two different color techniques to maximize video































quality on a TV and still image quality for print or computer display.

















Genuine Canon Optics:
















Embracing the industry's latest and most

22x Optical Zoom Lens (ZR90)

















Image Stabilizer OFF

sophisticated technology, Canon

20x Optical Zoom Lens (ZR85)











Image Stabilizer ON

camcorders feature an exclusive

18x Optical Zoom Lens (ZR80)













connection circuit, called VIC. VIC is a

What sets a Canon camcorder apart from all the others? It’s the only camcorder made

virtual powerhouse. Traditionally, multiple

by a company renowned for high-quality professional optics. Our vast expertise in

chips were needed to perform the

designing and crafting precision lenses for 35mm and broadcast TV cameras also

camcorder's input and output functions.

goes into every camcorder lens we make. The ZR90, ZR85 and

However VIC manages it all with one

ZR80’s optical zoom lens delivers superb definition and contrast,

single chip. The result is seamless

taking full advantage of the DV format. The digital

connectivity whether you are connecting

zoom extends the camcorder’s magnification

to a computer, TV, or VCR.

revealing details too small to see with the naked eye.





With the ZR90, you can attach the supplied WA-30.5





Wide Attachment (0.6x), giving you a wide



perspective for indoor shots or panoramic views.

























When attaching









































the Wide




















Attachment 0.6x




















to the ZR90







































440x Digital

Celebrate Life...

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Canon ZR80, ZR85 manual Celebrate Life, Digic Dv, Image Stabilizer, Genuine Canon Optics, 22x Optical Zoom Lens ZR90