Capresso 112 warranty Troubleshooting

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b. Now decalcify the steam tube. Place a container underneath the steam tube. Press selector switch on top of the

machine to the hot water position and turn the selector knob to

the steam position (fig. 8). Let about 4 oz. of water run through the steam tube. Then stop and let machine rest for approx. 2 minutes. Repeat one more time.

c. Clean water tank thoroughly by fill- ing half way with fresh water. Pump half of the water through the porta filter and half through the steam tube to eliminate Durgol residue.

d. Replace the inner screen and the steam nozzle.


a. My coffee is not hot enough

See chapter 9 (a).

Drink your coffee immediately after brewing.

For cappuccino or latte: make sure to increase the milk temperature (chapter 15).

b. No coffee or very little coffee comes through the porta filter

Make sure the water tank has water in it and that it is inserted properly.

Make sure the selector knob points to the coffee cup position.

The coffee may be ground too fine, use coarser coffee (chapter 7).

The small holes of the sieve may be blocked, clean sieves (chapter 23).

The inner screen may be blocked (chapter 23).

c. Coffee runs very fast into the cups with very little crema

Your coffee may be ground too coarse. Use a finer grind.

Make sure the sieve is always filled completely with coffee.

d. Coffee does not flow into both cups at exactly the same rate

*Normal distribution is at least 40/60*

Clean the porta filter and the sieve (chapters 22, 23).

Make sure the sieve is filled completely and evenly.

Coffee may be ground unevenly allowing water to pass through it faster on one side than through the other.

e. I am not getting any crema or not enough crema

Your coffee is not ground correctly. If the flow of coffee is too slow, use a coarser grind, if the flow of coffee is too fast, use a finer grind.

When using pre-packed pods you normally get less crema than when using ground coffee. Make sure to use the pod sieve with pods.

f. There is some coffee residue in the bottom of my cup

This is normal. With pressure brewed coffee you will always have some fine coffee powder in the bottom of your cup.

If this bothers you, try pre-packed coffee pods (chapter 12). The paper cover acts like a filter.

g. Water and coffee run down on the side of the porta filter

Wipe the inner screen with a wet paper towel.

Make sure that the rim of the sieve and the porta filter are free of coffee grounds before inserting into the machine.

When using pre-packed coffee pods: trim the sides of the paper cover so that the paper does not extend outside of the sieve.

h. When using the frother I am not getting sufficient froth

If you had sufficient froth before then some or all of the frothXpress parts are clogged or not put together


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Capresso 112 warranty Troubleshooting